Thursday, May 12, 2005

*Tuesdays Food Chain*

Kak Nora brought us OLD CHUNG KEE in the morning. Kak Yati brought DIGESTIVE chocolate biscuits. It does nt end there. Manoj was treating us at FOOD CULTURE. Bought Chicken Cutlet there. Thans Manoj! After lunch, Kak Nora bought Chips Ahoy and Lays. I was so full. Heema bough some SOUR plums. Kak Nora & Kak Yati were basically putting e whole plum in eir mouth. SHOULD C EIR FACES! Haha. Our table was full of plums, biscuits, potato chips and I was tinking of DIETING! Haha. Cant wait 4 lunch! Wondering what im goin to eat.

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