I was supposed to mit Kak Nora last few days but we ended up meeting last Friday for dinner. But I went out wth AF first. Met her up at City Hall and off we went to Marina. I had forgotten to withdrw my money. By the time we reached CAVANA...we were thinking wat to eat for $12. The food there was quite Ex..so counting AF's money and MY 80cents..hehe..we managed to buy food for both. heheh.Walked ard there...wth no money in our hands.
AF was having a "clumsy" day...hehe.. Did de "step-up" [AF, u wld no dat huh..hehe]..and one incident..she hit dis ear ring stand..and 2 earrings drop out..we managed to find one BUT the otr side..was gone. Then..we hurried our way out..hahaha...its not fault..we try to find it..BUT not seen.hehe
We headed to Suntec since AF wanted to buy jeans. Tot there was a HANGTEN..but naw. Since we were tired of walking, we searched for the Shuttle Bus service..and guess wat? We Lost! ya..we were searching for Carrefour. and we got Lost..went here and there..In the end..managed to find it. heheh.. When it was time to board de bus..AF accidentally step on my slipper dat my slipper was left behind..i was barefooted..for few seconds..haha.. and by the time i get my slipper back...evryone was rushing in de bus..haha.

*Me & Aliza...*
It was then time to meet up wth KAK NORA. We went for pressie searching..for her nephew.. 1 yr old gerl. Blank..dunno wat to buy. Went to Metro..Isetan but then..naw..nothing. But we jus did a few window shopping. We were deciding wat to eat..Pizza HUt, Food Culture or..anywhere. In the end...we decided on Magic Wok at WHitesands. We ate a lot...Fried Rice, Kangkong belacan, Fried Wantan, Cereal Prawn and Black Pepper Beef. I was feeling very full.. hehe..
KN was the one who paid for the food. Thanks KN! really appreciated it. We talked bout our past working life..how we were doing now...missing evryone. Really had a long talk... Thn we went window shopping again. WAlked around for a while..and we headed home.. Hope dat I am able to mit up wth the rest of the gang nxt time..MISs u GUys...

*Actions wth Kak Nora!!*
P.S: Photos available in MY PHOTO ALBUM