*Crappy thing*
Alrite...been scanning tru the Bulletin board in Frenster..and this entry realli make me think dat dis person is like SO-anti Minah tudung.
Here is wat the person wrote:
what so great about MINAH TUDUNG?
Are they so religious????BULLSHIT....studies haf shown that most non-virgins are the minah tudung..haha trying to show off their angelic side of life..pretending that the tudung they wear act as HALO
Wat is with dat comment?? I wonder...i mean...ya...i agree that minah tudung also are not DAT decent nonsense but everyone is the same...tudung or no tudung. We cant jus aim on the minah tudung. and i wonder which research that he do...which shows that most non-virgins are minah tudung. hahah...do thy actualli ask ard the minah tudung if they are virgins or not. haha..kinda crappy actualli. The way the person wrote...realli is trying to hit on the minah tudung. Does he have a prob wth them??
I tink...evryone is de same...tudung is jus a "thingy" which ppl think dat those wearing one SHOULD be innocent and goody. Im wearing one too...but it doesnt state dat im perfect either. Ppl shd change their perceptions abt expecting a minah tudung to be a goody-too-shoes (dunno if this is de rite spelling..hehe). BAck then, it was...bt at de new generations..der are a few changes. I agree that even de non-wearer can be more goody than de ones with it. BUT we cant say those kind of words...i mean, we are not perfect either...so y bother? Let them be...virgins or non-virgins...hahah...none of ur business either. haha..tudung or no tudung...no difference. I wonder why many ppl are like ANTI-minah tudung...to be frank..dis is not the only individual....
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