Sunday, August 08, 2010

The day

And first day came. It was pretty alright...though had to write down de ways to handle the database. Plus had to do as much as i can...since my supp had a meeting on Wed, so need to do it asap. jus doin wat i can do. NO hurry2. hahahah...The people der are OK. Maybe coz still thy dun reli layan u. But anywys....will oni be der for 3 its ok. Even msg up my fren who work at de nearby building to go lunch with me...since im a loner. HAHAHA~!

Still looking for otr jobs....and hpfully by de time my contract ends...i have a perm job or smthing. This is jus for experience..since de salary is little. heheh..even little den my previous wk..which have a 4digit number.hahaha...minus dis n setotet jer. So..lets see..wats up. Coz Even if de comp were to re-contract back....I have to finish de contract...and cant wk else where. so...pray dat i can get a Perm job sooon~~ :D

my ONLY stationery on dat day...


Tday...went to Spore expo..with Mom. smgt like dat...we actuali took public transport...since Dad have nt yet come home frm wk. And so we a small IT show, Metro sale and the Malay food expo. Annnd.....I got a new pair of sandals!! get to eat my TAKOYAKI. yumyum...terima kasih, mak n abah~! says...i shd have bought de sandals myslf since i alredy start wk. HAHAHAHA...yela tu....baru kerja satu hari...gaji pon lum dpt. hahahaha... :P

Hmmm...Hadnt been talking much with Ayg lately. Been busy wth his wk and all....and by de time, he's already asleep. hu hu~ His new job seriously busy to de max. So, hoping der is a lil fwee2 time smewhere for us. mode~~~

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